Top 19 Most Valuable Mexican Coins Worth Money

Coins can be pretty cool. If you’ve ever handled one that looks old – or even a foreign piece of currency, you know that excited flush that fills your veins. It’s even better when you find one that belonged to your grandpa and realize it’s worth a fortune! But how do you know your coins are profitable? Let’s look at sales lists and tips for the most valuable Mexican coins.
Most Valuable Mexican Coins
1. 1921 Mexican Gold 50 Pesos NGC MS-61, 1st Year Coin, Tough Date, 1.2oz Pure Gold

A lot of our grandparents and great-grandparents collected coins. But they probably did it for practical reasons. Barter trade was still common, and coins were a convenient way to stock up on precious metals. You could always melt them down when you needed some quick cash.
- Year: 1921
- Type: 50 Pesos
- Value: $4,101
But many of today’s collectors consider it an investment. The metal in those old coins (plus their historical significance) means they’re likely to appreciate in value. So you may plan to hold onto it, resell it in your lifetime, or leave it as a legacy for your own kids and grandkids.
2. X027 Lot of 2 Mexican 50 Pesos coin, Coyolxauhqui, 1982

If you plan to sell coins, consider waiting for big anniversaries like 25, 50, 75, or 100 years after the coin was minted. There’ll be more market interest around those dates. But it means you’ll need to do a lot of research and authenticate the period when your booty was coined.
- Year: 1982
- Type: 50 Pesos
- Value: $3,000
You can also try watching the prices of precious metals. When the price of gold is high, you can focus on moving those coins. And when silver shoots up, sift through your sterling stack and see if you have anything worth listing. Keep in touch with coin dealers too – better rates!
3. Mexican Gold Centenario 50 Pesos Coin 1821, 1947, 37.5 Grams Pure Gold

For resellers that plan to specialize in the most valuable Mexican coins, try brushing up your Spanish. This can be useful for looking through reference texts. More importantly, it can help you read the writing on the coin. That could be the difference between a treasure and a fake!
- Year: 1947
- Type: 50 Pesos
- Value: $3,150
Considering you may be dealing with Spanish speakers, it can be a crucial tool when you’re haggling over prices at a garage sale or curio shop. If you venture into Mexico as part of your reselling adventures, being familiar with the language can build camaraderie for better deals.
4. Libertad – Mexico – 2019 1 oz Proof Gold Coin in Capsule

You probably already know this, but numismatists are people who study and collect coins. And some take their craft super seriously! So learn to distinguish casual coin buyers from academics and experts. It’ll keep you from accidentally offending high-end customers.
- Year: 2019
- Type: Libertad
- Value: $3999.95
It will also guide you on how to talk about your coin and what features to highlight. Casual collectors might be wowed by stories and anecdotes about the coin and the family that owned it. But professionals want historical details, dates, mint specifications, and even a certificate.
5. 1905 – Mexican Type Set Coins

One of the hubs for trading Mexican coins is the US Mexican Numismatic Association, and you can find tons of information on their website, If you plan to go deep in this reselling space, it may be worth joining the group. Or at least subscribing to their journals.
- Year: 1905 to 1960
- Type: Mixed Set
- Value: $2,150
Their annual conventions are worth checking out as well. You can learn a lot about the sector and make important networking connections. Even if you don’t find buyers, fellow members can connect you with high-value individuals who will pay more than your customers on eBay.
6. 1959 Mexican Veinte Pesos – Superb GEM BU GOLD Coin – PQ!

Fun fact – did you know Mexican coins could be used in the US as legal tender? Well, not today, but back in the old days. Mexicans had been minting coins for two or three hundred years before we began, so early American settlers routinely used Mexican coins for trade.
- Year: 1959
- Type: Veinte Pesos (20 Pesos)
- Value: $1,080
This means seasoned collectors know Mexican coins almost as well as ours. You don’t have to become an expert, but if you’re working with these collectors (and you want to because they pay higher rates!) then you should learn as much about the coins as you can. Try to keep up!
7. Mexican Coin Set Palacios

One of the reasons Mexican coins are so popular is their melt value. Their earliest coins – both before and after Spanish colonization – were minted from pure gold or silver. Later, after 1905, coins only contained 50% or less precious metal, so their melt value dropped.
- Year: 2019
- Type: Mixed Set
- Value: $1,300
But coin collectors still love these coins for their variety and beauty. The most valuable Mexican coins are the silver reales and gold escudos from those colonial days particularly coins minted in the 1820s. One gold escudo was the equivalent of sixteen silver reales.
8. Mexican coins $10-(2)-$5-2 pesos gold 22k (4)Coins Lot

While the country typically used escudos and reales, they did have a local currency called the peso. One peso was worth eight reales. Today, Mexicans still use pesos, and one peso is worth a hundred centavos. But contemporary coins in circulation are only worth face value.
- Year: Mixed
- Type: Mixed (4)
- Value: $1,261
Some older centavos from 1914 were round and made of lead. Others from 1915 were copper squares. These are far more valuable than the pesos you’d give to your neighborhood store clerk in Guadalajara. And you may be amused to note their coins focus on eagles as well!
9. Libertad – Mexico – 2021 1 Oz Reverse Proof Gold Coin in Capsule

Because we think of bald eagles as an American thing, we assume the Mexicans copied our coins! But as we said before, they were producing currency at least three centuries before we were. So if anything, it was us looking over their numismatists’ shoulders and taking notes!
- Year: 2021
- Type: Reverse Proof Libertad
- Value: $3,499
Also, consider that Mexico is our southern neighbor. We share our land mass, climate, and regional geography. So there are probably as many eagles across the border as we have over here! But the eagles on Mexican coins are typically depicted with a snake in their beaks.
10. 1959 20 PESOS MEXICAN GOLD COIN Pristine Condition

Antique American coins can be valuable, but they come in a limited number of variations. So you focus on the years where fewer coins were produced because that rarity increases value. But with Mexican coins, you’ll see so many different kinds that it helps to learn the top ones.
- Year: 1959
- Type: 20 Pesos
- Value: $1,150
It’s not a deal-breaker though. If you’re at a coin expo or a goodwill bin, you can always pick a coin and scan it with your smartphone. You’ll find dozens if not hundreds of hits that will tell you all about the coin, including its resale value. But it’s still useful to memorize a few.
11. 1945 Gold 2 Peso Mexican Dos Pesos Coin

In times of recession, inflation, or low liquidity, people like to store their cash in coins. But not just any coin – they mostly buy bullion. These official government coins are appraised at their melt value, not their face value. So the coins are worth their weight in precious metal.
- Year: 1945
- Type: 2 Pesos
- Value: $1,000
This is why enthusiasts of Mexican coins are interested in Libertads – the Mexican bullion denomination. Libertads are unique because they don’t have a denomination stamped on them. Essentially, they have no face value. Instead, these coins have the word ‘onza’ on them.
12. 2021 8.9 Oz PROOF Silver MEXICAN LIBERTAD 7 Coin Set WITH COA

Only two countries (in the whole world!) issue bullion that has ‘no face value’. One is Mexico, and the other is South Africa. Both the South African Krugerrand and the Mexican Libertad can be traded for their current melt value. You can cash the coin anywhere at market rates.
- Year: 2021
- Type: Libertad
- Value: $1,101
This essentially means you can buy a Kruggerand or Libertard in the same way you can buy a bar of gold or silver. It’s why many investors prefer them as physical stores of precious metal. They’re recognized globally, not just within their borders, so it’s an easy asset to liquidate.
13. 2013 Mexico Mexican 5 Coin Proof Gold Libertad Set NGC PF70 Ultra Cameo w/COA LE

Let’s talk about this a little more. First, let’s acknowledge that Mexico’s state mint opened in 1535. So they’re among the most experienced coiners on this side of the world. Their oldest currency gained global recognition. Now let’s zoom into their gold and silver bullion coins.
- Year: 2013
- Type: Proof Set
- Value: $8,149.94
Libertad means liberty. (And no, it has nothing to do with Club Libertad, which is a top-three soccer team from Paraguay!) The Libertad coin first appeared in 1981, and the word onza is a pact from the Central Bank that they will cash these coins for you at the current market rate.
14. Caballito Silver Peso Coin Complete Set

Chances are you browsed YouTube to get an idea of which Mexican coins sell well. So even if you haven’t personally handled a coin, you know many of them have an angel on the obverse (technical term for heads) and an eagle with a snake on the reverse (technical name for tails).
- Year: 1910 to 1914
- Type: Mixed Set
- Value: $7,700
You may have assumed it was some kind of heavenly guardian because the catholic faith dominates Mexico. But she’s known as Winged Liberty, and she’s their Statue of Liberty. Locals call her El Ángel, Angel of Independence. Antonio Rivas Mercado built her in 1910.
15. 1600s Gold 4 Escudos Cob Pcgs Au53 Philip Iii Sevilla Spain Doubloon Colonial

What about the snake-eating eagle on the back? It’s the national symbol of Mexico, just like our bald one. These two characters appear on both circulated coins and bullion. In fact, for first-time investors in precious metals, Libertads and Kruggerands make a great entry point.
- Year: 1600s
- Type: Colonial
- Value: $4,999
At one time, 90% of the world’s gold bullion was traded in form of Krugerrands. But their reputation was tainted by protests against apartheid, so lots of liberal-minded types see the Libertad as a more ethical option. And this widens your market for valuable Mexican coins.
16. 2021 Mexico Libertad 5 Coin Gold Proof set 1 oz 1/2 1/4 1/10 1/20 (1.9oz)

To explain this further, the most valuable Mexican coins appeal to two consumer segments. The obvious one is the numismatists that routinely attend coin shows. The second is younger buyers looking to invest in precious metals. Craft your listing according to your target buyer.
- Year: 2021
- Type: Libertad
- Value: $6,499.99
The best way to trade Libertads is to watch top metals. They’re driven by the market so if you have any in store, wait until the gold (or silver) price is at its highest, then list your bullion. It helps to have a network of coin experts who can tell you when high-end buyers are shopping.
17. 1914 Mexico Durango Peso. Muera Huerta. PCGS AU53. Excellent Coin, Great Strike!

Older Mexican coins are easy to spot. You may not know exactly what their age or value is, but you can tell by the unusual shapes and writings that the coins are worth something. This can be a tougher trick with new coins. Especially the ones that resemble circulated coins.
- Year: 1914
- Type: Durango
- Value: $4,000
This is where appraisers (and the friendly neighborhood numismatist) can help. You can also check coin catalogs to see how many coins were minted that year. If they were on the lower side, the rarity of the coin makes it a profitable purchase. Hold the sides, not the face!
18. 2013 100 Pesos – Herencia Numismatica El Caballito ¡¡ PF-70 ¡¡- Only 100 Coins

Can you resell coins made into jewelry? Sometimes. If that bullion is your most precious possession, you may want to wear it around your neck as a medallion. But for most buyers, the coin goes in a slab or display case where it can accumulate value while you show it off.
- Year: 2013
- Type: 100 Pesos
- Value: $4,000
So a coin with a hole or a chain may be seen as less desirable unless it has sentimental value. Besides, apart from celebrities, entertainers, socialites, sponsored influencers, and wealthy public figures, few people want to walk with several thousand dollars hanging on their chest.
19. 1829 EoMo-LF Mexico First Republic 8 Escudos Gold Coin NGC XF 40 KM 383.4

Here’s our final word on trading the most valuable Mexican coins – patience. It might take years (or even decades) for your coin to reach its profit peak. Don’t rush to sell it at $500 when it could later earn you $5 million! But how should you pass the time as you wait?
- Year: 1829
- Type: 8 Escudos
- Value: $11,000
Hang around with ‘coin people’. Not only will you learn more about the sector, but they can introduce you to private collectors. And while we love seeing those ching-ching signs on eBay, it’s private collections where the real money is at, pun intended. They’ll pay 6 figures!
Tips for Reselling the Most Valuable Mexican Coins
Whether it was in your change from a vacation or in grandpa’s treasure chest, try these tips:
- Consider selling to silver stackers – you can profit from low-quality batches.
- Don’t wash the coins! They’ll look shinier, but it may lower your price.
- Have your coins appraised. It’s harder to spot the value of foreign coins.
- Study overseas coin markets – your buyers are more likely to be outside the US.
- Since you’re likely to be shipping abroad, be careful with delivery rates and taxes!
Do you have advice on finding the most valuable Mexican coins? Tell us in the comments!

Top 110 Most Valuable Nickels Worth Money

The US Mint produced numerous nickels, often dedicated to famous and esteemed figures in American history. The first pieces were minted in 1866, most were initially made out of copper and nickel, but their composition changed over time. Their value varies and typically depends on the coin mint mark, date, and condition.
Think nickels are just spare change? Think again! Those little five-cent coins rattling around in your pocket or car cup holder could be worth way more than their face value. Yep, that’s right—the right nickel could fetch you hundreds, even thousands, of dollars! Sounds far-fetched? It’s not. Coin collectors (known as numismatists) are always on the lookout for rare and valuable nickels, and it’s possible you’ve got one hiding right under your nose.
If you’re curious about what makes a nickel valuable—or simply wondering how to spot one—this guide will take you through everything you need to know. Get ready to dig through your piggy bank, because treasure might be waiting.
What Makes a Nickel Valuable?
Not all nickels are created equal, and several factors can make one worth far more than just five cents. Here’s what collectors look out for:
- Rare minting errors: Coins with misprints or mistakes during manufacturing often turn into collector’s gold. Think doubled images, missing letters, or unique designs.
- Low mintage years: When fewer coins are produced in a specific year or location, they become harder to find—and more desirable.
- Unique designs: Certain designs, like limited edition runs, or ones that mark special events, can increase the coin’s value.
- Condition (Grade): Coins in pristine or “uncirculated” condition are always worth more than heavily used ones.
- Historical significance: The older the coin, particularly ones tied to historic events or periods, the higher its potential value.
Now that you know what to look for, let’s uncover some of the most coveted nickels in circulation—plus some you can keep an eye out for right now!
Valuable Nickels to Keep on Your Radar
1. 1913 Liberty Head Nickel
The granddaddy of valuable nickels, the 1913 Liberty Head Nickel is one of the rarest coins in U.S. history. Only five specimens of this coin are known to exist, and they’re valued in the millions. One such coin sold for a jaw-dropping $4.5 million at auction. Incredible, right?
Why so valuable? The 1913 Liberty Head Nickel wasn’t an official minting. It was made without authorization, resulting in its mysterious and sought-after status. Unless you’ve just inherited a coin collection with a golden ticket, you’re unlikely to find one in your loose change. Still, it’s fun to fantasize, isn’t it?
2. 1942-1945 Silver War Nickels
During World War II, nickel was needed for the war effort, so the U.S. Mint temporarily switched the composition of nickels to include 35% silver. These “Silver War Nickels” are highly collectible today due to their metal content and historical significance.
How to spot one? Look for nickels dated between 1942 and 1945, and check for a mintmark (“P,” “D,” or “S”) above Monticello on the reverse side. These coins typically fetch $1.25 to $5, but in pristine condition, a single War Nickel could bring in $50+.
3. 1937-D Three-Legged Buffalo Nickel
This one’s a legend among collectors. The 1937-D Buffalo Nickel got its nickname from a minting error where the buffalo on the reverse side has only three legs (an over-polished die removed one leg).
This quirky error turns a common coin into a coveted prize. Depending on its condition, a Three-Legged Buffalo Nickel can sell anywhere from $500 to $10,000!
4. 1916 Doubled Die Buffalo Nickel
Errors can transform ordinary coins into collector’s gems, and the 1916 Doubled Die Buffalo Nickel is a perfect example. On these coins, the words “FIVE CENTS” at the bottom of the reverse side appear doubled, creating a bold and rare collectible.
This little error makes the coin worth upwards of $3,000, and in the best condition, it could even fetch $20,000!
5. 1951-S Jefferson Nickel
Produced in relatively low numbers, the 1951-S Jefferson Nickel is a must-have for those building a collection of Jefferson nickels. While not outrageously expensive, this coin’s subtle rarity makes it worth around $10 to $20 in decent condition. Uncirculated ones, though, can sell for $75+.
How to Check if Your Nickels are Worth Money
Now you’re probably eyeing your change jar with newfound excitement, but how do you know if any of those nickels might be valuable? Follow these simple steps:
Step 1: Inspect the Date
Check the year on your nickels. Look out for the key years we mentioned—those from rare production runs, times of mint errors, or significant historical events.
Step 2: Examine the Mintmark
Mintmarks tell you where the coin was minted (e.g., “P” for Philadelphia). Some mintmarks are harder to come by, like “S” (San Francisco), which can increase a coin’s rarity and value.
Step 3: Look for Errors
Flip the coin around! Is there something unusual about the lettering, design, or edges? Errors are very valuable because they’re so rare.
Step 4: Assess Condition
The better the coin’s condition, the higher its value. A graded scale ranges from “Poor” to “Mint State.” Coins that seem shiny and unblemished are definitely worth a closer look.
Step 5: Get an Expert Appraisal
If you think you’ve struck gold, have your coin graded by a professional. Numismatic organizations like PCGS or NGC can certify your coin’s quality and value.
Where to Sell Your Valuable Nickels
Found something special? Here’s where to cash in:
- Coin Dealers: Local or online coin dealers are trusted sources for buying and appraising rare nickels.
- Online Marketplaces: Platforms like eBay and Etsy are popular for selling collectible coins to a global audience.
- Coin Shows: Meet collectors face-to-face and negotiate the best price in a buzzing coin show environment.
- Auction Houses: For truly rare finds, auction houses are the way to go. They attract elite collectors willing to spend big.
Why Hunting for Valuable Nickels is Fun!
Searching for valuable nickels isn’t just about making a profit—it’s about the thrill of discovery and connecting with history. Each coin tells a story, from the World War II-era Silver Nickels to the quirky Three-Legged Buffalo Nickel. It’s a fascinating hobby that can turn an ordinary day into a treasure hunt.
Still want more guidance? Check out online resources like coin blogs, video channels, or forums where enthusiasts share their finds.
Start Digging for Treasures Today!
Now you’re equipped with the knowledge to spot valuable nickels hiding in plain sight. Whether it’s a mistyped date, a unique mintmark, or a coin with a history you can feel in your hand, these little treasures are worth keeping an eye out for.
Next time you grab some change, give it a closer look—you never know what you might find! Who knows? Your next nickel could be worth a fortune.
Top 15 Most Valuable Roosevelt Dimes Worth Money

The Roosevelt dime is so named because it bears the image of President Franklin D. Roosevelt on one side. And as the coin has been produced since 1946, there are plenty of them around!
But not all Roosevelt dimes are the same. And some of them can be worth a lot more than their face value.
So which ones are worth looking out for? And just what is it that makes them so interesting to coin collectors?
That’s what we’re going to find out! Read on, as we look at the 15 most valuable Roosevelt dimes in existence …
Most Valuable Roosevelt Dimes
1. 1975 Roosevelt Dime No S Proof PGCS PR68 $516,000

The most valuable Roosevelt dime ever to be sold was minted in 1975. It lacks the “S” mintmark, identifying it as being minted in San Francisco. And it’s one of only two such coins known to exist.
It was first identified by a collector who bought five sets of proof coins in 1975. She noticed that in two of the sets, the dime didn’t have the “S” mark.
Intrigued, she sent one of the coins to the magazine Coin World for them to review. And she later sent both to the ANACS, an organisation that authenticated coins. When ANACS certified one of them in 1978, collectors began to hunt for more examples.
With almost 3 million proof sets produced in 1975, it seemed only a matter of time before more no-S dimes were found. But amazingly, that isn’t what happened. Those two original coins remain the only ones ever discovered.
With collectors’ interest piqued, the original purchaser sold both proof sets onto a renowned dealer, Fred Vollmer. Vollmer quickly found a buyer willing to pay $38,550 for the set containing this coin.
The no-S dime from the set later went to the PCGS – the Professional Coin Grading Service. They graded it PR68, meaning it had only a few, barely visible imperfections.
In 2011, it was sold again, fetching the princely sum of $349,600. And eight years later, it was offered for sale once more.When the hammer fell, the price – including a 20 per cent buyers’ premium – was $456,000.
That might sound like a lot. But the canny buyers, Mitch and Justin Spivack, clearly thought there was still a profit to be made. Just a few months later, they successfully resold the coin through an agent for an eyewatering $516,000.
2. 1975 Roosevelt Dime No S Proof PGCS PR66 $18,200

Remember that original collector who spotted the missing “S” on her proof dime? Then you’ll remember that the S was missing from the dimes in two of her sets of coins.
That second original proof set was sold by Fred Vollmer too. It didn’t fetch as much as the first – $18,200. But the Ohio collector who bought it later said that Vollmer had told him he’d received another offer just minutes after agreeing the sale.
Perhaps realising that he’s got something very special, that mystery collector has held onto his set ever since. During that time, the no-S dime has also been graded by the PCGS, and ranked PR66.
So the condition isn’t quite as good as the dime bought by the Spivacks – but it’s not far off. And if it were sold at auction today, we’re certain it would make well into six figures.
3. 1968 Roosevelt Dime No S Proof PCGS PR68 $31,300

It wasn’t only in 1975 that things went wrong with the mintmark on some Roosevelt dimes. It first happened in 1968. And again, it was coins minted in San Francisco that were missing their Ss.
Today, there are estimated to be only around 12 such coins from 1968 in existence. And examples in the best condition are even more scarce.
That means there’s strong demand from collectors. So when a coin grade PR68 by the PCGS came up for auction in May 2015, competition was fierce.
13 different bidders slugged it out before the winner triumphed with a bid of $29,375. Including the buyer’s premium, they paid $31,300 to add it to their collection.
4. 1983 Roosevelt Dime No S Proof PCGS PR70 Deep Cameo $20,490

In 1983, the missing mintmark struck again. And it was once again the San Francisco mint that was affected.
The quality of this example is what saw it achieve its high price at auction. It was a proof, made for collectors rather than for circulation. And it was in the best possible condition, graded PR70 Deep Cameo by the PCGS.
Deep Cameo coins have a particularly intense frosted finish on the raised parts. That contrasts with a highly polished ground. Deep cameos are only seen in the first few coins in a production run.
This example was sold in February 2016. 11 bidders battled it out, but only two remained in the competition beyond $10,000. The determined pair eventually took the price to $20,490.
5. 1999-D Roosevelt Dime MS65 Broad Struck on a Cent Planchet $14,375

Immediately you look at this coin, you can see there’s something wrong. It’s brown instead of silver. And four arcs of metal are missing from the outside edges.
If this were the result of wear and tear, the coin would be virtually worthless – but it isn’t. Instead, it’s what happened when a planchet – the metal disc used for a coin – was too big for the design.
Usually, a collar would prevent this from happening. The planchet simply couldn’t fit inside, so couldn’t be struck. But this coin was struck “out of collar”.
Mint errors of this kind rare and very collectible. This coin came to the market in 2009 and fetched $14,375.
6. 1949 Roosevelt Dime PCGS MS68FB $13,200

This Roosevelt dime fetched a high price because of its formidable condition. It was graded MS68 by the PCGS, making it the finest example from 1949 ever seen by the independent organization.
The “FB” in the certification refers to the two bands on the torch depicted on the reverse of the coin. “FB” stands for “full band” and indicates that all the detail is present on both bands. This level of detail is quite rare.
The obverse – the side with Roosevelt’s portrait – featured iridescence. And the reverse had a slight olive patina.
As a coin in a class of its own, it got bidders very excited. When the hammer fell at the August 2018 auction, the price was $13,200.
7. 1956 Roosevelt Dime PGCS MS68FB $9,980

This Roosevelt dime from 1956 is another that achieved a high auction price on the basis of its condition.
It was rated mint state 68 by the PCGS, making it the best example from that year they’d ever seen. And it too achieved the “FB” designation, meaning all the detail on the torch bands was present.
The obverse of the coin had iridescent bands of violet, blue, green and gold. And the reverse was in brilliant condition, with just some blue toning at the edges.
Again, the lure of owning a best-in-class coin meant that collectors were prepared to spend big bucks. The auction took place in December 2013, and the coin achieved a price of just under $10,000.
8. 1955 Roosevelt Dime PCGS MS68 $9,300

At first glance, this 1955 coin looks very similar to its 1968 cousin. It has the same mint state 68 designation from the PCGS. And it even has similar iridescence on the obverse, with copper, magenta and blue tones above Roosevelt’s portrait and extending down his face.
This example, though, didn’t have quite as much detail. The two bands of the torch shown on the reverse side weren’t absolutely complete.
Nevertheless, it was the best graded example of a 1955 Roosevelt dime. And that meant it netted a cool $9,300 when it came up for auction in September 2020.
9. Bonded Group of 1998 Roosevelt Dimes $9,200

This group of about 32 1998 Roosevelt dimes were bonded together as a result of a problem at the mint. The blanks were fed into the machine but not ejected. As a result, they were molded together into a single stack.
It’s extremely rare for something like this to happen. And on the few occasions when it does, the stacks are usually much smaller. All that meant this example was very exciting to coin collectors.
It came up for auction in August 2011, and sold for $9,200.
10. 1950 Roosevelt Dime PCGS MS68FB $8,813

This 1950 dime wasn’t quite one of a kind. But it was one of three minted that year graded MS68 by the PCGS. And all three had the “FB” designation.
If you wanted to get your hands on a 1950 Roosevelt dime, then, this was top notch. Both sides of the coin were cleanly struck. The obverse had cinnamon-colored sprinkles towards the edge, while the reverse had a broad swathe of orange red.
It was sold at a specialist auction in April 2014. The winning bidder paid $8,813 – including a 17.5 per cent buyer’s premium – to secure it.
11. 1965 Silver Roosevelt Dime $8,625

From 1965 onwards, Roosevelt dimes stopped being made of silver and were made of clad metal instead. But this is a rare exception – a 1965 coin made of silver.
The 1964 silver dimes and 1965 clad versions were struck at the same time. And at this mint, it seems a silver planchet was mistakenly used for a 1965 dime. (There were no mintmarks for the 1965 coins, so there’s no way of knowing which location was responsible.)
This error resulted in a very unusual coin. When it came to auction in January 2006, it sold for $8,625.
12. 1947-S Roosevelt Dime MS68FB $6,170

This Roosevelt dime is the best 1947 example ever found by the PCGS. They rated it mint state 68. And it’s certified “FB”, so both bands on the torch on the reverse are perfectly detailed.
Best-in-class coins are highly sought after by collectors, who often seek examples of their favored coin from each year. For them, owning the best possible specimen is the ultimate aim.
That’s why, when this coin came up for sale in August 2012, it attracted lots of interest. The winning bid, including buyer’s premium, was $6,170.
13. 1970 Roosevelt Dime No S Proof PR69 $1,610

Another mint error in 1970 resulted in a coin that was a little out of the ordinary. 1970 saw the production of another proof coin lacking its mint mark. And once more it was the San Francisco mint that lost its “S”.
Although the error here is the same as for the 1968 coins, there are considerably more examples of no-S proofs dating from 1970.
Over 2,000 were minted. And because these were proofs – better quality coins targeted at collectors – many of them have been well cared for. As a result, they don’t carry the same premium for scarcity.
The best quality PR69 examples routinely fetch between $800 and $1,000. And the auction record was set in 2003, when a PR69 proof fetched $1,610.
14. 1982-D Roosevelt Dime Mint Standard MS67FB $1,410

In 1982 and 1983, no mint set Roosevelt dimes were produced. There aren’t so many collectors of clad coins like this one. But for those that exist, this means there are no sets around to fill gaps in the years. And that means that when a good quality coin appears, it can attract a lot of interest.
So it was with this mint standard Roosevelt dime, minted in Denver in 1982. It was in excellent condition, rated MS67 by the PCGS. That made it the best example known to any of the major independent coin grading services. And the designation “FB” meant it had full bands.
It came up for auction in 2014 and made $1,410 – a record for a coin from this year.
15. 1982 Roosevelt Dime No P Mint Standard MS65 $265

This dime isn’t in the same league of collectability as others on our list. But it’s still worth considerably more than its face value.
Like the no-S 1975 dimes, it’s missing its mintmark. In this case, the “P” indicating it was minted in Philadelphia, is missing.
This example came up for sale recently. It was graded MS65, meaning it was in mint state with a good, firm strike and high-quality luster. There were just a few small, scattered contact marks on the surface.
It fetched a not-to-be-sneezed-at $265.
Not Your Average Dime
We hope you’ve enjoyed our look at 25 of the most valuable Roosevelt dimes ever minted. Excellent condition or rare mint errors are usually the reasons some coins are so valuable.
So if you have some old dimes in the back of a drawer, now might be the time to check them! If you’re lucky enough to have an unusual specimen, you could be in the money.
1973 Quarter No Mint Mark – Hunting Hidden Treasures

1973 Quarter No Mint Mark are everywhere. We toss them in vending machines, feed them to parking meters, and juggle them in our pockets without a second thought. But what if I told you that a common-looking 1973 quarter with no mint mark could be worth more than 25 cents? Yes, that’s right! Hidden in plain sight, these little treasures can bring not just monetary value but also a splash of excitement to your everyday change.
Whether you’re a seasoned coin collector or someone who just loves a good treasure hunt, this blog will help you uncover the secrets of the 1973 quarter with no mint mark. We’ll dig into its fascinating history, explain why it’s special, and help you learn how to identify one. Who knows? Your next handful of spare change might just hold a shiny piece of history!
What Makes a “No Mint Mark” Coin Special?
If you’re new to coin collecting or numismatics (fancy talk for the study of coins), you might be wondering what’s the big deal about a “no mint mark” coin. Typically, U.S. coins are stamped with a mint mark—a small letter indicating where they were produced:
- P for Philadelphia
- D for Denver
- S for San Francisco
But here’s the twist. Coins minted in Philadelphia traditionally lacked a mint mark until 1980. This was just “business as usual” back in 1973. What sets the 1973 quarter with no mint mark apart isn’t its lack of the little letter—it’s the story and rarity behind its pristine versions and specific conditions.
For collectors, though, the value lies in the condition of the coin and any unique traits it might have, like rare features or minting errors. That’s where things get really juicy.
The Journey of the 1973 Quarter
The 1973 quarter was part of the Washington quarter series, which has been in circulation since 1932. These coins feature the profile of George Washington on the obverse (heads) side and the majestic eagle on the reverse (tails) side. Standard quarters from 1973 were struck using a copper-nickel composition, making them durable for everyday use.
What makes the 1973 no mint mark quarter fascinating is not just its design but how examples in excellent condition or with errors have captured the attention of collectors.
Why 1973 Matters
In the early ’70s, everyday items like coins didn’t really get much attention. People used them, traded them, and only rarely thought about their uniqueness. However, collectors began to notice that certain quarters from this time stood out—not because of a mint mark absence but due to how they were struck or preserved. Over time, these details drove demand.
Condition is Everything
Coins from 1973 are now 50 years old, which means finding one in flawless or near-mint condition is no easy feat. Coins that managed to avoid scratches, wear, or discoloration are the real stars of this story. Grading systems like “MS-65” (Mint State) or above mark these coins as pristine collector’s items.
How to Spot a 1973 No Mint Mark Quarter
Now that we’ve set the stage, it’s time for the fun part—spotting one! Here’s what to look for:
1. Date
Flip over your quarter and check the date. If it says “1973” and there’s no mint mark next to it, you might be onto something. However, remember that most Philadelphia quarters lacked mint marks at the time, so the date alone isn’t the sole criteria.
2. Condition
Examine the coin closely. Is the surface shiny, scratch-free, and smooth? Coins with little to no signs of wear-and-tear are far more valuable. Grab a magnifying glass (or just zoom in with your phone camera) to hunt for tiny imperfections.
3. Special Errors
Keep an eye out for minting errors, such as:
- Double die (where the text or design appears doubled)
- Off-center strikes
- Weak or missing lettering
These quirks can boost your quarter’s value significantly!
4. Grading Certification
If you think you’ve found a winner, have it graded by a professional service like PCGS (Professional Coin Grading Service) or NGC (Numismatic Guaranty Corporation). They’ll authenticate it and assign it a grade, which can increase its market value.
What’s It Worth?
While most 1973 quarters with no mint mark are still worth face value, those in excellent condition or with rare features can fetch a pretty penny. Here’s a quick breakdown:
- Circulated Condition – Worth about 25 cents
- Uncirculated (MS-63 or higher) – $5 to $20
- Exceptional Condition (MS-65 or higher) – Can exceed $50
- Unique Mint Errors – Hundreds—or even thousands—of dollars, depending on rarity and demand!
For example, an MS-66 graded 1973 no mint mark quarter once sold for over $1,000, thanks to its impeccable condition!
Why Should You Care?
Searching for valuable coins like these offers more than just financial benefits. It’s like stepping into a time machine—each quarter tells a story. Plus, the thrill of the hunt is addictive! Imagine finding a childhood treasure tucked away in your piggy bank or enjoying a fun, meaningful hobby that costs next to nothing to start.
Whether you’re aiming to build a collection, gift a piece of history, or just learn something new, hunting for coins like the 1973 quarter is a rewarding way to connect with the past and build excitement for the future. Plus, who doesn’t love turning spare change into big bucks?
How to Start Your Coin Treasure Hunt
- Check Your Spare Change Daily – Take a closer look at what’s rolling in your wallet or cashier’s drawer.
- Visit Collectors’ Shops – Local shops often have rare coin finds and professionals ready to share their knowledge.
- Join Online Communities – Numismatic forums and social media groups are great for tips and sharing your discoveries.
- Invest in Tools – A good magnifying glass and a storage binder for your finds can go a long way!
Wrapping It Up
The 1973 quarter with no mint mark might seem like just another coin at first glance, but it’s a small slice of history that could hold surprising value. Whether you’re a seasoned collector or a curious beginner, hunting for treasures like this is as much about the joy of the search as it is about the potential payoff.
Now, it’s time to check your pockets and dig through your coin jar—who knows what treasures are waiting for you to find?
Happy treasure hunting!
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